Viewing: 11. Legislation to Restore Prior Financial Incentives for City Annexations of Inhabited Territory - AB 213
AGENDA CITY OF EL CENTRO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2019 City Hall Regular Meeting 11:30 AM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1275 MAIN STREET EL CENTRO, CA 92243 City of El Centro Page 1 Mayor & Council Members may be reached at (760) 336-8989 Mayor: Edgard Garcia City Manager: Marcela Piedra Mayor Pro-tem: Efrain Silva City Attorney: Elizabeth Martyn Evans Council Members: Jason Jackson City Clerk: L. Diane Caldwell Cheryl Viegas-Walker Tomás Oliva 11:30 A.M CLOSED SESSION - CONFERENCE ROOM "A" ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION
PUBLIC COMMENT: Any member of the public wishing to address the City Council on any matter appearing on the closed session may do so at this time. Unless the Mayor extends the time limit, remark shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Additional opportunities for Public Comments will be given during and at the end of the meeting. CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNS INTO CLOSED SESSION CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION PENDING LITIGATION Therefore, upon advice of its legal counsel, the City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code §54956.9(d)(1) regarding the following existing cases to which the City is a party: Antonio Cruz v. City of El Centro et al - ECU 09958 Dolores Aldana v. Valley Convalescent and City of El Centro, No. ECU000737 Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro February 5, 2019 City of El Centro Page 2 ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation Against the City Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) - a point has been reached where, in the opinion of the City Council based upon advice of its legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstance, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the local City as follows: a. based upon receipt of a draft Public Employee Relations Board complaint from the attorney for the Certified Water Distribution Operators Unit and b. Sandra Milano submitted a claim for a trip and fall in a private parking lot LABOR RELATIONS NEGOTIATIONS The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 to meet with Marcela Piedra, City Manager and Teri Brownlee, Human Resources Director for the purpose of reviewing the City’s position and instructing its representative(s) regarding matters of salaries, salary schedules, compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits, or, as applicable, other matters dealing with mandatory subjects within the scope of representation pursuant to Government Code §3504. Meeting with the CWDO NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC This is a public meeting. If there is an item on the agenda on which you wish to be heard, you are asked to complete a blue speaker slip and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Persons wishing to address the Council, Successor Agency to the RDA and Successor Agency Housing Agency are not required to identify themselves (Gov’t Code § 54953.3); however, this information assists the Mayor by ensuring that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized and also assists the City Clerk in preparing the City Council meeting minutes. When the item is announced and your name is called by the Mayor, please step to the podium and state your name for the record. Unless the Mayor extends the time, there is a three (3) minute time limit for each public presentation. If you wish to address the Council, Successor Agency to the RDA and Successor Housing Agency concerning any other matter not appearing on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment portion of the agenda. * Any information provided on the “Speaker Slip” is voluntary and will be public record. RECONVENE FOR OPEN SESSION 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL BY CITY CLERK Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro February 5, 2019 City of El Centro Page 3 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION 6:05-6:10 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION 6:10-6:15 PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS BY MAYOR 1. Proclamation - National Marriage Week 6:15-6:25 SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMENTS Item(s) appearing under this section have submitted a written request to the City Clerk a minimum of one week prior to the regular meeting. 2. Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report 3. Presentation on the Mentor Program at Desert Oasis High School 6:25-6:30 CONSENT AGENDA Consent agenda items are approved by one motion. Council members or members of the public may pull consent items to be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor. 4. Approval of City Council minutes of January 15, 2019. 5. Approve plans and specifications for the Traffic Signal Interconnection Project and authorize soliciting of bids. 6. Acceptance of Mr. Richard Inman's resignation from the Planning Commission effective January 15, 2019 with regrets, and authorize City Clerk to advertise the unscheduled vacancy. 7. Authorize the Mayor to sign the Grant Agreement for the Imperial County Community Benefit Program in the amount of $15,000 on behalf of the City of El Centro. 6:30-6:45 PUBLIC HEARING 8. 1. Public Hearing for a Substantial Amendment to the City of El Centro Community Development Block Grant 2018-19 One-Year Action Plan. 2. Approval of a Substantial Amendment to the 2018-19 One-Year Action Plan. 3. Authorization for the City Manager to submit a letter to HUD to request their authorization of an amendment to the 2018-19 One-Year Action Plan. Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro February 5, 2019 City of El Centro Page 4 6:45-7:45 NEW BUSINESS 9. Discussion and necessary action related to proposals received for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program year 2019-2020. PRESENTATION: Stacy Cox, Community Development Specialist I RECOMMENDATION: This item is for discussion and necessary action related to proposals received for CDBG Program year 2019-2020. 10. Mid-Year Budget Presentation FY 2019 PRESENTATION: Leticia Salcido - Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: For Discussion 7:45-7:55 LEGISLATION ACTION 11. Legislation to Restore Prior Financial Incentives for City Annexations of Inhabited Territory - AB 213 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 12. Received and referred to Community Development Department/Planning Department, Application for Alcoholic Beverage License - MEXCA Brew Co LLC, 6112 & 614 W Main Street, El Centro, CA 92243 7:55-8:00 (TIME MAY VARY) PUBLIC COMMENTS The City Council welcomes your input. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the posted agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will be taken on any issue brought forth under Public Comments. We ask that you please complete a “Speaker Slip” and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Although you are not required to identify yourself (Gov’t Code§54953.3); this information on the “Speaker Slip” assists the Mayor that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized and also assists the City Clerk in preparing the City Council meeting minutes. Unless the Mayor extends the time, there is a three (3) minute time limit for each public presentation. * Any information provided on the “Speaker Slip” is voluntary and will be public record. 8:00-8:05 TASK FORCE REPORTS AND MAYOR & COUNCIL MEMBERS REPORTS Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro February 5, 2019 City of El Centro Page 5 ADJOURNMENT |
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