Viewing: 17. Public Hearing to solicit public input and approve the "Draft" 2018-2019 CDBG Annual Action Plan.
AGENDA CITY OF EL CENTRO CITY COUNCIL/CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY TUESDAY, APRIL 3, 2018 City Hall Joint Regular Meeting 11:30 AM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1275 MAIN STREET EL CENTRO, CA 92243 City of El Centro Page 1 Mayor & Council Members may be reached at (760) 336-8989 Mayor: Cheryl Viegas-Walker City Manager: Marcela Piedra Mayor Pro-tem: Edgard Garcia City Attorney: Elizabeth Martyn Evans Council Members: Efrain Silva City Clerk: L. Diane Caldwell Jason Jackson Alex Cardenas 11:30 A.M CALL TO ORDER (OPEN SESSION) - CONFERENCE ROOM "A" ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC COMMENT: Any member of the public wishing to address the City Council on any matter appearing on the closed session may do so at this time. Unless the Mayor extends the time limit, remark shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Additional opportunities for Public Comments will be given during and at the end of the meeting. CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNS INTO CLOSED SESSION CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION EXISTING LITIGATION Upon advice of its legal counsel, the City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) to confer with its attorney regarding existing litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the Agency is a part. The titles of the existing litigations are 1) City of El Centro v. Charter Communications, Imperial County Superior Court, ECU 000275 and 2) Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 2 Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro April 3, 2018 City of El Centro Page 2 Charter Communications Inc., ) MB Docket No. 18-_ Time Warner Cable Pacific West, LLC, and ) Bresnan Communications, LLC )) Petition for Declaratory Ruling, ) Enforcement Order, and Further Relief For ) Violations of Sections 76.1603 and 76.309 ) of the Commission’s Rules ) PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING, ENFORCEMENT ORDER, AND FURTHER RELIEF ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation Against the City: A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the City Council on the advice of its legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the City. There are (3) three potential cases (Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) . In addition, there are (2) two potential cases where the City is considering the initiation of litigation (Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4). NEGOTIATIONS REGARDING ACQUISITION/DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code §54956.8 to give instructions to the City’s negotiator, Marcela Piedra, City Manager, regarding negotiations with El Centro Medical Center, which instructions will concern price, terms of payment or both, including use restrictions, development obligations and other monetary consideration concerning the purchase, sale, exchange and/or lease of the property known as Parcel 2 of Valley Center Plaza. LABOR RELATIONS NEGOTIATIONS The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 to meet with City Representatives Marcela Piedra, City Manager; David Ritchie, Cota Cole & Huber; for the purpose of reviewing the City’s position and instructing its representative(s) regarding matters of salaries, salary schedules, compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits, or, as applicable, other matters dealing with mandatory subjects within the scope of representation pursuant to Government Code §3504; negotiating with All Department Heads, All Unrepresented Units, All Bargaining Units. PERSONNEL MATTERS The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54957 to consider the appointment to the position of Police Chief. SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY CLOSED SESSION NEGOTIATIONS REGARDING ACQUISITION/DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY The Successor Agency will recess to closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.8 to give instructions to the Successor Agency’s negotiator, Marcela Piedra, City Manager, regarding negotiations with American Builders, which instructions will include price, terms of payment or both, including use restrictions, development obligations and other monetary consideration concerning the purchase sale, exchange Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro April 3, 2018 City of El Centro Page 3 and/or lease of the property known as Heil Ave. Tentative subdivision (no address assigned) corner of Holt and Heil in El Centro. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC This is a public meeting. If there is an item on the agenda on which you wish to be heard, you are asked to complete a blue speaker slip and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Persons wishing to address the Council, Successor Agency to the RDA and Successor Housing Agency are not required to identify themselves (Gov’t Code § 54953.3); however, this information assists the Mayor by ensuring that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized and also assists the City Clerk in preparing the City Council meeting minutes. When the item is announced and your name is called by the Mayor, please step to the podium and state your name for the record. Unless the Mayor extends the time, there is a three (3) minute time limit for each public presentation. If you wish to address the Council, Successor Agency to the RDA and Successor Housing Agency concerning any other matter not appearing on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment portion of the agenda. * Any information provided on the “Speaker Slip” is voluntary and will be public record. RECONVENE FOR OPEN SESSION 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL BY CITY CLERK PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION 6:05-6:10 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION 6:10-6:20 PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS BY MAYOR 1. Proclamation - Autism Month 2. Proclamation - Inland Fair Housing Month Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro April 3, 2018 City of El Centro Page 4 6:20-6:40 SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMENTS Item(s) appearing under this section have submitted a written request to the City Clerk a minimum of one week prior to the regular meeting. 3. Presentation of Blue Angels Lithograph by Kris Haugh, NAF 4. El Centro Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report 5. California Water Boards Grant Award Presentation 6:40-6:45 CONSENT AGENDA Consent agenda items are approved by one motion. Council members or members of the public may pull consent items to be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor. 6. Rejection of ECRMC Claim of Gabriela Ortega as recommended by Insurance Carrier. 7. Approve City Council/SA/SH minutes for meeting of March 20, 2018. 8. 2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 18-03 - AN UNCODIFIED ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA, PROVIDING FOR THE DEFERRAL OF PAYMENT OF CERTAIN DEVELOPMENT IMPACT FEES, waive reading and adopt by title only. 9. Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO APPROVING AN AGREEMENT WITH CASTAÑEDA AND ASSOCIATES TO CONDUCT AN ANALYSIS OF IMPEDIMENTS TO FAIR HOUSING AND ASSOCIATED WORK UNDER THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) PROGRAM. 10. Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA AMENDING FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT POLICY NO. 301 11. Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING A DEBT MANAGEMENT POLICY NO. 302 12. Adopt Resolution 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA IN SUPPORT OF THE CALIFORNIA DROUGHT, WATER, PARKS, CLIMATE, COASTAL PROTECTION, AND OUTDOOR ACCESS FOR ALL ACT OF 2018 13. Adopt Resolution 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA HEREBY SUPPORTS PROPOSITION 69, THE JUNE 2018 CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT TO PREVENT NEW TRANSPORTATION FUNDS FROM BEING DIVERTED FOR NON-TRANSPORTATION PURPOSES PROP 69 SUPPORT AND OPPOSITION TO SB 1 REPEAL Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro April 3, 2018 City of El Centro Page 5 14. Adopt Resolution No. 18 - , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO AWARDING THE BID AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE SWARTHOUT PARK PARKING LOT IMPROVEMENTS 15. Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO AWARDING THE BID AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE ON-CALL SIGNAL EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACT 2017 6:45-7:15 PUBLIC HEARINGS 16. Public hearing and resolution approving the issuance of revenue bonds by the El Centro Financing Authority to assist in financing and refinancing of certain public capital improvements for the benefit of the El Centro Regional Medical Center PRESENTATION: Don Hunt RECOMMENDATION: Approve the issuance by the El Centro Financing Authority of Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds (El Centro Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2018 (the “Series 2018 Bonds”) by holding a public hearing and adopting the following: Adopt Resolution No. 18- ,RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA APPROVING AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE, SALE AND DELIVERY OF NOT TO EXCEED $125,000,000 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF EL CENTRO FINANCING AUTHORITY HOSPITAL REVENUE REFUNDING BONDS (EL CENTRO REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER PROJECT), SERIES 2018 BY THE EL CENTRO FINANCING AUTHORITY FOR THE BENEFIT OF EL CENTRO REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER, THE EXECUTION AND DELIVERY AND/OR APPROVAL OF A TRUST AGREEMENT, AN INSTALLMENT PURCHASE AGREEMENT, A PURCHASE CONTRACT, A LIMITED OFFERING MEMORANDUM AND A CONTINUING DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT; DISCLOSING CERTAIN INFORMATION REQUIRED BY SENATE BILL 450; AND AUTHORIZING THE TAKING OF CERTAIN ACTIONS IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. The proceeds of the sale of the Series 2018 Bonds will be used to finance and/or refinance certain public capital improvements for the benefit of the El Centro Regional Medical Center (the “Medical Center”), including the refunding of the Authority’s outstanding Hospital Revenue Refunding Bonds (El Centro Regional Medical Center Project), Series 2015A and 2015B (together, the “Refunded Bonds”). In addition to the refunding of the Refunded Bonds, new projects and renovation work is proposed by the Medical Center, which is described extensively in Appendix A to the Limited Offering Memorandum. Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro April 3, 2018 City of El Centro Page 6 17. Public Hearing to solicit public input and approve the "Draft" 2018-2019 CDBG Annual Action Plan. PRESENTATION: Liz Cesena, Community Development Specialist I RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO APPROVING THE ONE-YEAR ACTION PLAN FOR THE 2018-2019 CDBG FUNDS FROM THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT 7:15-8:15 NEW BUSINESS 18. Community Sponsorship Request - Spread the Love Charity event PRESENTATION: Jessica Solorio RECOMMENDATION: Discussion and any necessary action regarding the requested sponsorship from Spread the Love Charity. 19. Public Safety Summit - Budget Request PRESENTATION: Liz Zarate, Management Assistant RECOMMENDATION: Mayor is requesting that a budget be established for Mayor’s Regional Public Safety Summit. 20. Award of Main Street Railroad Crossing Section 130 Safety Improvements Project - STPLR-7500 (214) - 75LX239, A/1 to Pyramid Construction & Aggregates PRESENTATION: Abraham Campos, Acting Director of Engineering & PW’s RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 18 - , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO AWARDING THE BID AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS AT THE MAIN STREET RAILROAD CROSSING 21. Budget Workshop FY-2019 - General fund PRESENTATION: Leticia Salcido - Director of Finance RECOMMENDATION: For discussion Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro April 3, 2018 City of El Centro Page 7 LEGISLATION ACTION SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY No business scheduled. SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY No business scheduled. 8:15-8:20 (TIME MAY VARY) PUBLIC COMMENTS The City Council welcomes your input. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the posted agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will be taken on any issue brought forth under Public Comments. We ask that you please complete a “Speaker Slip” and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Although you are not required to identify yourself (Gov’t Code§54953.3); this information on the “Speaker Slip” assists the Mayor that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized and also assists the City Clerk in preparing the City Council meeting minutes. Unless the Mayor extends the time, there is a three (3) minute time limit for each public presentation. * Any information provided on the “Speaker Slip” is voluntary and will be public record. 8:20-8:25 TASK FORCE REPORTS AND MAYOR & COUNCIL MEMBERS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT |
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