Viewing: 3. Imperial County Fatherhood Project
AGENDA CITY OF EL CENTRO CITY COUNCIL/CITY COUNCIL AS SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY/SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY TUESDAY, JUNE 5, 2018 City Hall Joint Regular Meeting 11:30 AM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1275 MAIN STREET EL CENTRO, CA 92243 City of El Centro Page 1 Mayor & Council Members may be reached at (760) 336-8989 Mayor: Cheryl Viegas-Walker City Manager: Marcela Piedra Mayor Pro-tem: Edgard Garcia City Attorney: Elizabeth Martyn Evans Council Members: Efrain Silva City Clerk: L. Diane Caldwell Jason Jackson Alex Cardenas 11:30 A.M CALL TO ORDER (OPEN SESSION) - CONFERENCE ROOM "A" ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC COMMENT: Any member of the public wishing to address the City Council on any matter appearing on the closed session may do so at this time. Unless the Mayor extends the time limit, remark shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Additional opportunities for Public Comments will be given during and at the end of the meeting. CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNS INTO CLOSED SESSION Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro June 5, 2018 City of El Centro Page 2 CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION EXISTING LITIGATION Upon advice of its legal counsel, the City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (d)(1) to confer with its attorney regarding existing litigation which has been initiated formally and to which the City is a part. The titles of the existing litigations are City of El Centro v. Charter Communications, Imperial County Superior Court, ECU 000275 and Before the FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION Washington, D.C. 20554 In the Matter of Charter Communications Inc., MB Docket No. 18-91 and 18-101 Time Warner Cable Pacific West, LLC, and Bresnan Communications, LLC - Petition for Declaratory Ruling, Enforcement Order, and Further Relief For Violations of Sections 76.1603 and 76.309 of the Commission’s Rules. ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation Against the City pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54956.9(d)(2). A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the City Council on the advice of its legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to litigation against the City. There are 6 potential cases. LABOR RELATIONS NEGOTIATIONS The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code §54957.6 to meet with Agency Representatives Marcela Piedra, David Ritchie, Cota Cole & Huber, for the purpose of reviewing the City’s position and instructing its representative(s) regarding matters of salaries, salary schedules, compensation paid in the form of fringe benefits, or, as applicable, other matters dealing with mandatory subjects within the scope of representation pursuant to Government Code §3504;negotiating with All Department Heads, All Unrepresented Units, All Bargaining Units. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC This is a public meeting. If there is an item on the agenda on which you wish to be heard, you are asked to complete a blue speaker slip and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Persons wishing to address the Council, Successor Agency to the RDA and Successor Housing Agenc Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro June 5, 2018 City of El Centro Page 3 RECONVENE FOR OPEN SESSION 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL BY CITY CLERK PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION 6:05-6:10 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION 6:10-6:15 PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS BY MAYOR 1. Recognition of David Dale - Planning Commissioner 6:15-6:20 SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMENTS Item(s) appearing under this section have submitted a written request to the City Clerk a minimum of one week prior to the regular meeting. 2. El Centro Chamber of Commerce Monthly Report 3. Imperial County Fatherhood Project 6:20-6:25 CONSENT AGENDA Consent agenda items are approved by one motion. Council members or members of the public may pull consent items to be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor. 4. 2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance 18-05 - ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO ADDING ARTICLE XIV TO CHAPTER 16 OF THE EL CENTRO CITY CODE RELATING TO GARAGE SALES, waive reading and adopt by title only. 5. Approve the plans and specifications for the 2018 Street Overlay Project and Parking Lots Resurfacing Project 6. Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO DECLARING AND AUTHORIZING THE DISPOSAL OF OBSOLETE CITY PROPERTY. 7. Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO AWARDING FOR THE ROUTINE JANITORIAL MAINTENANCE OF THE COMMUNITY CENTER, ADULT CENTER AND OLD POST OFFICE PAVILION TO IMPERIAL COUNTY WORK TRAINING CENTER, INC. Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro June 5, 2018 City of El Centro Page 4 8. Adopt Resolution No. 18 - , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO AWARDING THE PROPOSAL FOR ROUTINE MAINTENANCE OF PARKS AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT WITH IMPERIAL COUNTY WORK TRAINING CENTER, INC. 9. Authorize the City Clerk to notify each City Agency to review their code and submit a notice that either amendments are required or no amendments are necessary. 10. Adopt Resolution 18- , A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO APPROVING AMENDMENT NO. 2 OF SERVICE CONTRACT NO. 75LX239 WITH CALTRANS FOR PROJECT STPLR-7500 (214) FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS AT THE MAIN STREET RAILROAD CROSSING 6:25-6:30 PUBLIC HEARING 11. Site Plan Review 18-05- El Centro Regional Medical Center Temporary Parking Lot at 1258, 1262, 1272 Poplar Drive PRESENTATION: Norma M. Villicaña, AICP, Director of Community Development RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO APPROVING SITE PLAN CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL FOR THE CONSTRUCTION AND USE OF A TEMPORARY PARKING LOT ON PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 1258, 1262, 1272 POPLAR DRIVE 6:30-7:30 NEW BUSINESS 12. Emergency HVAC Resolution for Old Post Office Pavilion PRESENTATION: Marcela Piedra, City Manager RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO AUTHORIZING THE EMERGENCY PURCHASE OF REPLACEMENT HVAC UNITS FOR THE OLD POST OFFICE PAVILION Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro June 5, 2018 City of El Centro Page 5 13. Discussion and any necessary action regarding the award of the project to demolish certain structures PRESENTATION: Abraham Campos, PE - Interim PW Director/City Engineer RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO AWARDING THE BID AND AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF A CONTRACT FOR THE 266 LA BRUCHERIE RD. AND 2010 W. MAIN ST. DEMOLITION PROJECT 14. Final Budget Presentation FY19 - All Funds PRESENTATION: Leticia Salcido - Finance Director RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 18- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO, CALIFORNIA ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 2018-19 15. Discussion and any necessary action regarding the appointment of voting delegate and alternate(s) for the League of California Cities Annual Conference - September 12-14, 2018 in Long Beach. PRESENTATION: Cheryl Viegas-Walker, Mayor RECOMMENDATION: Mayor's Recommendation: Appoint voting delegate and alternate(s). 16. Discussion and any necessary action to consider the cancellation of the City Council regular meetings July 3, 2018 and August 21, 2018. PRESENTATION: Cheryl Viegas-Walker, Mayor RECOMMENDATION: LEGISLATION ACTION ITEM FROM CLOSED SESSION Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro June 5, 2018 City of El Centro Page 6 INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 17. Waste Water Treatment Plant - Energy Efficiency Project Construction Update 18. Received and filed Community Enhancement Task Force Approved minutes dated January 17, 2018. SUCCESSOR AGENCY TO THE REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY No business scheduled. SUCCESSOR HOUSING AGENCY No scheduled business. 7:30-7:35 (TIME MAY VARY) PUBLIC COMMENTS The City Council welcomes your input. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the posted agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will be taken on any issue brought forth under Public Comments. We ask that you please complete a “Speaker Slip” and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Although you are not required to identify yourself (Gov’t Code§54953.3); this information on the “Speaker Slip” assists the Mayor that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized and also assists the City Clerk in preparing the City Council meeting minutes. Unless the Mayor extends the time, there is a three (3) minute time limit for each public presentation. * Any information provided on the “Speaker Slip” is voluntary and will be public record. 7:35-7:40 TASK FORCE REPORTS 7:40-7:45 MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBERS REPORTS ADJOURNMENT |
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