Viewing: 2. Presentation - Santiago Pacheco Jr
AGENDA CITY OF EL CENTRO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2020 City Hall Regular Meeting 11:30 AM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 1275 MAIN STREET EL CENTRO, CA 92243 City of El Centro Mayor & Council Members may be reached at (760) 336-8989 Mayor: Efrain Silva City Manager: Marcela Piedra Mayor Pro-tem: Jason Jackson City Attorney: Elizabeth Martyn Evans Council Members: Cheryl Viegas-Walker City Clerk: L. Diane Caldwell Tomàs Oliva Edgard Garcia 11:30 A.M CLOSED SESSION - CONFERENCE ROOM "A" ROLL CALL (Open Session) CLOSED SESSION PUBLIC COMMENT: Any member of the public wishing to address the City Council on any matter appearing on the closed session may do so at this time. Unless the Mayor extends the time limit, remark shall be limited to three (3) minutes. Additional opportunities for Public Comments will be given during and at the end of the meeting. CITY COUNCIL ADJOURNS INTO CLOSED SESSION CITY COUNCIL CLOSED SESSION EXISTING LITIGATION Upon advice of its legal counsel, the City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d) (1) regarding the following cases: Marco A. Garcia and Alicia Arroyo Garcia, United States Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of California, Case No. 19-05994-13; and (2) City of El Centro v. El Dorado Printing, Jacob Zavala and Kimberly Zavala. ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant Exposure to Litigation Against the City. A point has been reached where, in the opinion of the City Council on the advice of its legal counsel, based on existing facts and circumstances, there is a significant exposure to Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro January 21, 2020 City of El Centro Page 2 litigation against the City. There are 3 possible claims based upon the following: (1) the officer involved shooting of Manuel Gonzales Verdugo; (2) correspondence received from Attorney Robert Espinosa regarding ECPD Officer Hurtado; and (3) the EPA's demand for reimbursement of the cost of clean-up of the Marco Garcia residence and 3948 Arthur Hennessey Court. Possible Initiation of Litigation by the City pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4) 1 case: Code Enforcement regarding 463 W. Main Street, El Centro. TRADE SECRETS The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code Section 37606.1 for the purpose of discussion of and/or deliberation on reports involving hospital trade secret(s) as defined in subdivision (d) of Section 3426.1 of the Civil Code and which is necessary, and which would, if prematurely disclosed, create a substantial probability of depriving the hospital of a substantial economic benefit. Discussion will concern new services, programs or facilities at El Centro Regional Medical Center; the estimated date of public disclosure - December 2020. PERSONNEL MATTERS The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54957 to consider the following: (i) Public Employment: Deputy Police Chief; (ii) Public Employee Performance Evaluation - City Manager; (iii) Public Employee Performance Evaluation - City Clerk; and Public Employee Performance Evaluation - City Attorney. NEGOTIATIONS REGARDING ACQUISITION/DISPOSITION OF REAL PROPERTY The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code §54956.8 to give instructions to the City’s negotiator, Marcela Piedra, City Manager, and Abraham Campos, City Engineer, regarding negotiations with Mahavir Hospitality LLC, which instructions will concern price, terms of payment or both, including due diligence provisions and other monetary-related considerations concerning possible purchase of an easement at APN 053-670- 003 as a temporary construction easement for the Imperial Avenue Interstate 8 waterline relocation project. The City Council will recess to closed session pursuant to Government Code §54956.8 to give instructions to the City’s negotiator, Marcela Piedra, City Manager, and Abraham Campos, City Engineer, regarding negotiations with Maruti Construction Management, LLC, which instructions will concern price, terms of payment or both, including due diligence provisions and other monetary-related considerations concerning as possible purchase of an easement of the property located at APN 053-690-036 as a temporary construction easement for the Imperial Avenue Interstate 8 waterline relocation project. Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro January 21, 2020 City of El Centro Page 3 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC This is a public meeting. If there is an item on the agenda on which you wish to be heard, you are asked to complete a blue speaker slip and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Persons wishing to address the Council are not required to identify themselves (Gov’t Code § 54953.3); however, this information assists the Mayor by ensuring that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized and also assists the City Clerk in preparing the City Council meeting minutes. When the item is announced and your name is called by the Mayor, please step to the podium and state your name for the record. Unless the Mayor extends the time, there is a three (3) minute time limit for each public presentation. If you wish to address the Council concerning any other matter not appearing on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment portion of the agenda. * Any information provided on the “Speaker Slip” is voluntary and will be public record.
RECONVENE FOR OPEN SESSION 6:00 P.M. 6:00 P.M. OPEN SESSION ALL TIMES ARE APPROXIMATE AND MAY VARY CALL TO ORDER: ROLL CALL BY CITY CLERK PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE INVOCATION 6:05-6:10 CITY ATTORNEY REPORT ON CLOSED SESSION 6:10-6:30 PRESENTATIONS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS BY MAYOR 1. Proclamation - 100th Birthday Reyes Ramirez Quintana 2. Presentation - Santiago Pacheco Jr 6:30-6:40 SCHEDULED PUBLIC COMMENTS Item(s) appearing under this section have submitted a written request to the City Clerk a minimum of one week prior to the regular meeting. 3. Public Comments from Saul Rodriguez regarding Public Health topics Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro January 21, 2020 City of El Centro Page 4 6:40-6:45 CONSENT AGENDA Consent agenda items are approved by one motion. Council members or members of the public may pull consent items to be considered separately at a time determined by the Mayor. 4. Approve Payroll Registers for the month of December 2019 5. Approve Warrant Registers for the Month of December 2019 6. Approve Treasurer's Report for the Month of December 2019 7. Approval of City Council Minutes of December 17, 2019 8. 2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 19-09 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO REPEALING IN ITS ENTIRETY CHAPTER 16, ARTICLE X REGARDING CABLE COMMUNICATIONS FRANCHISES, waive reading and adopt by title only. 9. 2nd Reading and Adoption of Ordinance No. 19-08 - AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO AMENDING CHAPTER 2, DIVISION 8, SECTION 2.118.6 OF THE CITY CODE TRANSFERRING MANAGEMENT OF THE LIBRARY TO THE CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE AND AMENDING CHAPTER 15, SECTION 15.2(B) BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES; CITY LIBRARIAN, waive reading and adopt by title only. 10. Adopt Resolution No. 20 - , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO ADOPTING THE RESIDENTIAL DISCONNECTION POLICY 11. Adopt Resolution No. 20- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO CONFIRMING RATES AND CHARGES FOR WATER SERVICE BY RESCINDING RESOLUTION NO. 12-130 IN ITS ENTIRETY AND READOPTING SUCH RATES AND CHARGES WITH UPDATED RULES PERTAINING TO WATER SERVICE AND USE 12. Reject bids for the for General Landscaping Services, Tree Removal and Irrigation Repair and Emergency Landscaping Services at Various City Parks and Facilities contract, approve amended bid documents and authorize the Community Services Department to send the project out for re-bid. Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro January 21, 2020 City of El Centro Page 5 6:45-8:00 NEW BUSINESS 13. Discussion and any necessary action regarding the adoption of a Resolution designating certain streets surrounding the El Centro Regional Medical Center as a "Permit Parking Only" streets. PRESENTATION: Abraham Campos, PE - Public Works Director/City Engineer RECOMMENDATION: Adopt Resolution No. 20- , RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL CENTRO DESIGNATING PORTIONS OF ROSS AVENUE, SANDALWOOD DRIVE, AND 14TH STREET AS A "PERMIT PARKING ONLY" STREETS. 14. Presentation by Valerie Houchin from Schneider Electric on WWTP Energy Efficiency project. PRESENTATION: Valerie Houchin, Schneider Electric RECOMMENDATION: 15. Discussion and any necessary action regarding the Wastewater Treatment Plant Energy Efficiency Project PRESENTATION: Abraham Campos, PE, Director of Public Works/City Engineer RECOMMENDATION: Ratify Change Orders 1 and 2 and provide staff direction to approve Change Order 3 increasing the contract with Schneider Electric to $16,381,583. 16. Discussion and any necessary action regarding the Cruickshank landfill budget and project update PRESENTATION: Abraham Campos, PE - Public Works Director/City Engineer RECOMMENDATION: Accept the County payment to City in the amount of $590,550.00 and add this amount towards the Cruickshank project for a total project fiscal year budget of $2,990,550.00 Agenda City Council of the City of El Centro January 21, 2020 City of El Centro Page 6 17. Discussion and any necessary action regarding City Council committee appointments. PRESENTATION: Mayor Efrain Silva RECOMMENDATION: Approve appointments. 8:00-8:15 LEGISLATIVE ACTION 18. Request for Letters INFORMATIONAL ITEMS 19. Pump Station No. 2 at La Brucherie Avenue and Wake Avenue Update 8:15-8:20 (TIME MAY VARY) PUBLIC COMMENTS The City Council welcomes your input. At this time, members of the public may address the City Council on any matter not listed on the posted agenda. Pursuant to the Brown Act, no action will be taken on any issue brought forth under Public Comments. We ask that you please complete a “Speaker Slip” and submit it to the City Clerk prior to the start of the meeting. Although you are not required to identify yourself (Gov’t Code §54953.3); this information on the “Speaker Slip” assists the Mayor that all persons wishing to address the Council are recognized and also assists the City Clerk in preparing the City Council meeting minutes. Unless the Mayor extends the time, there is a three (3) minute time limit for each public presentation. * Any information provided on the “Speaker Slip” is voluntary and will be public record. 8:20-8:25 TASK FORCE REPORTS AND MAYOR - COUNCIL MEMBER REPORTS ADJOURNMENT |
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